James Carpenter


Eugene, OR

United States

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  • Keni Lee Burgess

    Well I know your pain about the cyber-age. I am amazed how much I had to learn about being a film maker to produce decent videos. Something you could look into:
    Easy and cheap. Enjoy.
  • James Carpenter

    Thanks for the tip - it looks like just the ticket for videos on the cheap. I'm kind of thinking about going for "sound samples", tho', as I'm not much to look at, and anybody who wants to cop my picking style would be sorely disappointed. I'm a fiddle player by nature - "don't fret" remains good advice.

    I understand Zoom makes a nice digital recorder (with rave reviews)for something like $140 - that looks like the way to go for me. We'll see there.

    This last contest has me kinda worked up, speaking of cyber-age-stuff - the day I "twitter" will be when I wake up as a bird - I'm just getting a handle on what a "blog" is, exactly. NB, maybe the next contest would be based on real-world Analog-guy skills - MyFace don't mean all that much to me, but those 75 prize cigar boxes do look attractive. I hate to be out of the running because I'm not suitably e-hip. I'm just saying ...

    - Some Old Crank
  • Keni Lee Burgess

    Thank you James for sending the links. I will check them out. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy.