
Williamstown, KY

United States

Profile Information:

How did you learn about Cigar Box Nation?
Just stumbled on to it while researching cigar box guitars. I am glad that I did.
How many instruments have you built so far?
25 or so, including Banjo's, guitars and Dulcijo's and Dulcimers.
What do you find most interesting about cigar box guitars? (If you do not enter something meaningful here (at least one sentence long), your membership may be rejected as a spam/bot fake account).
The fun thing about cigar box and homemade instruments is there are no rules. Each one has a personality. I have the advantage of being a musical idiot. So I don't have enough sense not to try something different. They are not expensive so mistakes are cheap. You can build for years and never have to make 2 alike. These days almost every box, cookie tin, can or lid or odd little piece of hardware I pick up I try to envision it as part of some instrument. Sounds corny but it makes me view the world as a better place.

Comment Wall:


    I would like to personally welcome you into the asylum. You will find valuable resources, tips and secrets whether you are building for the first time or an old pro at it. Don't  be shy about posting a question or a comment. We are all here to help each other! So once again welcome! BTW I'm a newbie myself and let me say everyone is a friend!

    "Kool dog

  • Michael Fred Johnson

    Hi Ron,

    The copper top is about  0.6mm thick with two struts applied to the back.The struts are pine 6x20 running either side of the through  neck.

    It sounds better than a license plate guitar unplugged