jose garcia paredes




Profile Information:

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How many instruments have you built so far?
What do you find most interesting about cigar box guitars? (If you do not enter something meaningful here (at least one sentence long), your membership may be rejected as a spam/bot fake account).
I am interested in everything from its construction to touching them.
I am currently focused on learning how to play them

Comment Wall:

  • Uncle John

    It is good to have you for a friend, Jose.   Yes on the 4 strings.  I one tuned DGBE like the 4 small strings of a standard six string guitar.  I can play it in 5 keys plus use a capo.

    I also have some tuned GDGB, which sounds good, but is mostly good for playing in the key of G.

  • Brian Revels

    You are correct Jose, in my opinion.  Here are two videos I posted to YouTube talking about this.

  • Paul Craig

    I prefer 4 strings to the three so I can add a 3rd note or play chords with a 4th or 7th note. You play the usual 1 -5 -1 chords like the 3 stringers and a low 1 for drone note or  go real low to use as a bass string. Lots of options.