T. Robert Johnson


Harlan, IA

United States

Profile Information:

How did you learn about Cigar Box Nation?
John Bolton
How many instruments have you built so far?
What do you find most interesting about cigar box guitars? (If you do not enter something meaningful here (at least one sentence long), your membership may be rejected as a spam/bot fake account).
uniqueness, history and cool sound

Comment Wall:

  • Clock The Wolf

  • Bristol Blue

    That's nice , you met Ralph Mooney! I only know him from a couple of instrumentals I have from an LP he did with James Burton in 1969 (the year I was born) called "Corn Pickin' 'n' Slick Slidin'". Lovely sound! 

  • A.D.EKER

    il bett he does!you  shoed give him a taste of the BelgiumTrappister Monk Bier it something like 17-18% i liter will get you going, You right RobertT never to much, until you do, Thanks Greeeettsszz Your a fine player i see now why John and you are Good Friends!!