Starfish, darling


Ringwood, NJ

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Tres Seaver

    Welcome aboard! You will find lots of helpful folks and information on all things CBG (CBU, CBB, etc.) here. Feel free to poke around, ask questions, and post your stuff (photos, recordings videos). Most of all, have fun!

  • Tom Lanford

    Thanks for the friend invite Starfish, darling! Welcome to the nation! Enjoyed visiting last night. Hope to do it again soon! Take care! - T
  • Terry Carmack

    Well hellow starfish Ive gotta say your the prettiest CBG maker Ive ever seen, Welcome to the nation
  • Tom Lanford

    The 001 CBG looks really sweet Starfish, darling. Love the headstock shape and details. The sound hole cover and "key" bridge are really nice touches as well. Been wanting to use a key myself but just haven't found the right one yet. Bet it sounds even better than it looks! Keep up the good work! Can't wait to see the next one. Take care - T
  • Will Carter

    Elegant, beautiful and individual - like its creator.
  • Terry Carmack

    Actually I love it ! Really like the key. Great work
  • Vince Stark

    Starfish, check out the comment I left for Brendan deVallance on the finish subject...
  • olds sleeper

    dig that black build...very nice...wold love to hear it.

    The key used for your bridge, to open the "doors of perception"...
  • Diane in Chicago

    I've been thinking about resin and position markers. Once you drill out the shape, you can pour the stuff in, and embed something kooky in there. I've never used the stuff, would that work? Can you sand it smooth? Does it contract a bit on setting? Can you tint it? Thanks!
  • Diane in Chicago

    Love that link to the Ukelele orchestra. We've got a Mandolin orchestra around here. Both make me think of the RTO (Really Terrible Orchestra) that plays the Edinburgh festival every year.
  • Terry Carmack

    Hey wich forum, Id be interested in that one on bowing, Ive tryed a steel rod, but kind of a pain to install and hide.
  • Dianne Woods

    Nice CBG.
  • Dianne Woods

    Good, I can't wait see it.