
  • Here's the other one. It's about 5 x 6 x 1 1/2.

    Little boxes have lots of love to give too.


  • it's a smaller but sorta deep box. I have another build that's even smalller that I really like.

    • That sounded great... appreciated that a lot. Thanks-

  • I use them for storing parts - lol.

    I've thought of making tiny guitars out of them - some kind of small scale mandolin ukelele thing. Or maybe some kind of percussion. They have a nice ring when you tap on them.

  • I made the Baby Bolivar out of a small-ish box. It's essentially a solid body with a rail humbucker and a small sound cavity round the pup.  Plays great - loads of noise and fun !

    23.5" scale, the bridge is about 40mm long to give an idea of size.


  • " Something Different" build-final pic`sI made this build by using 2 small boxes. The main part is 1 box and the sides are 1 box that i cut, there`s side soundports in the middle box. Sound nice acousticly but super plugged in, i used a rod piezo in the bridge.

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