Trying to make bass diddley bow from aluminum square tube.

I can't think of any good brige. I would also like to finger down strings.  My ideas and stuff from hardware store didn't work.  I Know that easiest way is to use 90 degree angel mountings.

Problem is that I need bolt side to side to play comfortably. Not sure about gluing. on wood yes. 

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  • What I trying to make musical instrument and what I have. I also have 4 compact bass tuners.


    • Get another coupla lengths of aluminum square tubing. Make an elongated rectangular tubing frame, using the hardware L brackets you have. You'll need some self-tapping metal screws. Attach your neck to it using these. Since you're just making a diddley bow, one of those brackets theatre curved or square in the middle can be screwed into your neck as a bridge. You have most of the parts already.
      • You mean this screws

      • While you're at it, why not just turn it into a diddley canjo? I bet you have beer, soda, paint or other cans or tins in Estonia...
  • Sorry. No cigar boxes for me. I live in estonia. Only aluminum square tube.

    I don't have right shape wooden box also.

  • Easy: cut a piece off of your aluminum square tube. Stack it atop your aluminum tube where the bridge would go.
  • If you have to glue, rough up the surface and use JB Weld...

  • Using a wooden box for the body? Why not use aluminum angle for the bridge? Screw it thru the box top and into the aluminum tube.......
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