



El Mirage, AZ


March 11



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  • Hi Chris...


    Thanks for checkin' in! I'm doing well. Both work & home projects keeping me busy so CBG building is ...s_l_o_w !

    Many ideas still racing through my head for future builds. Hope things are good on your side.



  • Hey Chris..


    Check out:




    boxes are usually up front by the registers.  Booze in the back!



  • Thanks, Chris.  How are things with you, staying warm in AZ?  I'm doing well and having the time of my life building and playing my 'little' guitars.  Stay well.  Jess
  • Hi Chris, Things are well for me. I got a cbg near completion (my 10th) but have been slow at getting to it. Lately, I've been getting boxes at "Total Wine & More" store, The sell cigars and sell paper clad boxes for $0.75 and all wood for $1.50. I have about 20...waiting to be built!  Good to hear from ya!




  • Hey, Chris, what's happening my man?  Thanks for the b-day greeting, you're a month early, but what the heck, thanks anyway.  What have you been up to?  I'm still building, but haven't taken the time to add any photos for a while, fuess I better do it soon.  Stay well and let me hear from you.  Jess
  • Thank you for your Birthday Wishes. Happy New Year 2010. Enjoy.
  • Yep Good Eye....Actually 2 pieces together did the job...
  • Hi Chris
    Thanks very much mate :) - well i just sold the Lap Steel just packing it now for shipment on monday will be sad to see it go but you know !

    hope your well to mate

  • Thanks man! I'll join the group here in a sec. I'm hoping to find an AZ quarter to glue onto it as well.

    God bless,
  • Hey Chris, I'd be more than happy to answer your questions. I too found it frustrating finding out how to build my resonators. By the way, that's why I got into this cigar box guitar stuff,after shopping around for (real) resonator guitars. The one I wanted, a National tri-cone, nickel plated blues machine, about $3,500 caused me to decide to build my own, and I am sooo glad I did. I intend to sell my creations soon and am working hard at making that happen. Here's a link to find cones and coverplates and biscuits. http://www.republicguitars.com/partsaccessories.html

    If you go to e-bay you can find chicken feeders, get the one that has the flat top so you can cut it out for biscuit/bridge, their about $5.99 + shipping. Keep in mind you'll have to angle the neck so you can get the strings to clear the chicken feeder, refer to my pictures and if you want I can post more detailed pics. The reso cone sits on a lip of a wooden ring, which I attach to the through piece of the neck. It all takes careful planing, on my "chicken head" reso I actually drew out the guitar full scale side view, it's not easy otherwise every joker would be making them. Hope this helps, let me know how your doin'.
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