I'm about to finish up my fretless 3-string guitar and i want to put fret markers on the top of the neck. I'm not the greatest woodworker on the planet, any one have any good suggestions that aren't too difficult? Inlaying another type of wood sounds a little daunting to me. I tried just using a pen but it doesn't look so great. —B

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I use the Wfret program to print out a template that I tape to the neck. Then I use a backsaw to cut just a little bit of a slot in the neck. Then I use a woodburning tool and run it along the slot. I use the round end tip of the tool to put the fret markers on the fingerboard and side of the neck.
To me fret markers are the dot or what ever that go between frets. Is that what you mean? The easet way is to just drill shallow hole 1/4" about sitck 1/4" dowel in saw it off and sand flush with the top of the neck.

IF you sar talking frets Iggy has given a good simple method.
Get a 1/4 inch hand paper hole punch. Find guitar pick (tortise shell looking)Punch holes and use them for fret dots. Drill 1/4 inch hole in fret board. Fill with epoxy and place fret dot flush with fret board. Helpful hint: Put masking tape on fret board where hole is to be drilled. Drill thru masking take then glue fret dot. After dried remove masking tape. This prevents glue from getting on fret board.
Nice tip. I like it.

steve (Roots) said:
Get a 1/4 inch hand paper hole punch. Find guitar pick (tortise shell looking)Punch holes and use them for fret dots. Drill 1/4 inch hole in fret board. Fill with epoxy and place fret dot flush with fret board. Helpful hint: Put masking tape on fret board where hole is to be drilled. Drill thru masking take then glue fret dot. After dried remove masking tape. This prevents glue from getting on fret board.
I've used the hole-punched flatpick method on several of mine; works great and looks classy. Best to buy a 1/4" Forstner bit; they cut nice, clean holes. I use a drill press for accurate depth.

In fact, this has worked so well I'm planning on replacing the dreadful "decal" position markers with these when I get my Strat cigar-box done. I need to find white or pearl picks though, the fretboard is mahogany. (or at least, it's stained that color.)
Hi, For a travel guitar I own the maker had done it on the cheap and only put a few markers on so I bought these off ebay
http://cgi.ebay.com/Glow-in-the-dark-vinyl-fret-markers-EZ-to-see-i... Simple glow in the dark stickers - I then overpainted them with clear nail varnish and so far they have lasted well (at least with with nylon strings). You get small for the side of the neck and larger ones for the fretboard.

If I understand correct you just want position markers for the top of the neck? Not on the fret board? Here's two VERY simple ways you can go about it. Both start with getting a fret chart for the scale you are using. This is just to make sure you put the dots in the right spots. Since this is a fretless build you need to put the dots in the exact place the fret would go, not in between like on a normal fretted instrument.

Method 1: Use a small drill bit to make a small divit in the top edge of neck (only about as deep as the point of the drill bit). Fill then fill the divit with paint, usually black or white. Sand the neck to remove any paint that missed the holes.

Method 2: Using a very small drill bit, drill pilot holes about 1/4 inch deep in the top edge of the neck. Carefully drive small brad nails into the holes. Sand them flush with the neck. (The pilot holes are very important as they will keep the nails going in straight and it will keep them from splitting the wood)

I am sure there are lots of other great methods, but these are the two easiest I could think of. Have fun.
A new pencil with an unused eraser makes a great and SIMPLE dot maker . just dip the eraser in the paint and press it down lightly on the fret board... instant dots ... EASY !!!
I did this and I have to tell you, this is one of the best solutions I've seen. Work great! I didn't use the tape but will do that in the future.

Also someone above mentioned a 1/4" forstner bit. I need to get one but it should work great! I happened to use a 1/4" router but on my drill press which worked but it left a little high spot dead center. Easily removed but still... You will also need to sand the edges of the dot and sand it flush after install, but it really looks great.

fretboard dots (not a closeup)


steve (Roots) said:
Get a 1/4 inch hand paper hole punch. Find guitar pick (tortise shell looking)Punch holes and use them for fret dots. Drill 1/4 inch hole in fret board. Fill with epoxy and place fret dot flush with fret board. Helpful hint: Put masking tape on fret board where hole is to be drilled. Drill thru masking take then glue fret dot. After dried remove masking tape. This prevents glue from getting on fret board.
Looks good Wes.
Thanks HG.

Oh and one other thing -- to get the exact depth, use a drill press, place the neck/fretboard on the drill press shelf and lower the drill bit to the exact top of the board. Stop the bit depth there and raise the bit. Remove the board, place a few picks one layer thick directly under the board and lay the board on top of the picks. Drill. You will have consistently deep holes exactly the depth of the pick (well, very very close). I used Heavy picks for the thickness.


Looks good Wes.
I have used thumb tacks in a very small hole with a drop of super glue,both on the face of the fret board and on the top edge of neck. I have also used an 8d common,heated the head red hot and used it like a branding iron to mark the fret locations for a more rustic look.I also have some melamine dots about 5/16" in diameter that I use to cover screw heads when I am hanging or setting cabinets that have adhesive on the back.


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