
my new tools for making a great Cigar Box Guitar
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  • Hey Josh, good dealio, if you are still lookin for some good sticks, home depot or Lowes has em. if you go to the hardwood section they have em in my parts mainly white oak, red oak, and poplar.  they have the 1x2" by 3 feet , or if you look at home depot they have the long sticks and my home depot lets me cut em my self to size so i can pick the straight and nice grain patterns i want. you can also get the 1/2  x 2  "  pieces if you want to make your fret boards. then when you are done you glue it ontop of the neck board. in that case make sure you dont sand the sides or faces that will be glued. or they will not look tight when finished.  those are the sizes of the wood, but that is not dimentional so the stick would actually be something like 3/4 by 1 1/2 "  so its pretty good for a start. and 3 feet is usaually what you need lenght wise before you trim and make your tail and headstock. hope tat helps.  pick a straight one and not bowed more than a 16th or so, if so make the bow belly up so when you string it ittl pull the neck up striaghter .  some hardware stores have hickory and also maple and mahogany. ive used em all. i like the looks of oak. and poplar. maple is too plain. for me. and mahogany sands too funny for my neanderthal hands.  good luck man.

  • New toys are always good! Uh, I meant tools.

  • Those will come in handy!
  • The remotes, that is

  • tools with remote controls...I need some of those

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