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  • I tried looking you guys up but couldnt find ya, could you send to as link to audio or video?

  • I still haven't figured out how to make a sound recording on my own for the Nation. I have the stuff right in my mac but never tried to use it. There's an eyeball right in front of my eyes to take the video. Gotta try it soon. Go Jason Go on those finals. I've got a gig this weekend too. The 16th Battle of the Jug Bands at The Amazing Grace coffee house on Sunday from 1 to 8pm. I've been in every one of them since the beginning. It's a ball. Every goofy musician in our area shows up to compete. I play in The Procrastinators.

  • Oh, and if your ever interested in anything I make just let me know and I would make a video for ya......The slides I just made came out perfect, and gonna have another go at the tailpiece soon....getting behind cause I have finals coming up(pre engineer student) and a bunch of gigs this weekend.

  • Awesome, would love to see that! Supro made great guitars. About the volume knobs, I just made 2 today that are a piece of rosewood with a piece of maple on each side and they turned out nice, gonna try the more complex chckerboard pattern next. Anyway, the point being is that once I drilled the little hole on the bottom for the pot to go into, I used my drill like a lathe. With the drill bit still in it I held a piece of sandpaper flat on my fingers and spun the knob over it and worked out great! I of course used a rasp to make it a little rounder b4 I did that. Im gonna try another boox soon but need to get some nice wood for the job. Just got a piece of cocbola today for my next fretboard, and thought of a great little idea of glueing a piece of scrap coco onto each side of the headstock. It wont be a true size stock but it will give a nice stripe down each edge and is what I would consider right in between a true headstock and a rect headstock. Once I get some stuff done on it Ill send you pics of course. Lets hear a video of your new Supro!

  • Hey Jason, I just got a great new lap steel. It's a 1956 Supro Special. It is red with white markings and knob. It sounds fabulous. The best sounding guitar I own. It could use a new chord and case, but I can do that. Strings too. I got it on ebay. I'll post a pic or two soon. I'm pumped...

  • You bet Jason, I'd love to trade with you. I haven't tried sanding the blocks round yet, but that's an extension of the idea. The chicken head knobs are rounded, but not round in the knob sense of the word. Some bigger laminates could make great tails and bridges and pup surrounds. I'm making an eyeball for my JUJU one string cyclops pup. I just got it from JUJU. I think the world of his stuff. Have you seen his lap steel? Wow. I was thinking of splitting a dowel for adding a spruce stripe in the middle. That could be sharp. I have some nice dowel in Walnut. As far as the recessed tops. I think it could be easy. When I make my bottoms I start by gluing and clamping the kerfing, recessed into the bottom, so the sides will fit on top of the bottom. Then I glue up the sides and tail and shoulder pieces into the groove made by the kerfing and the bottom. If you made the top the same, gluing the bracework onto the sides and tail and shoulder recessed down to the depth of your top, the top could pop into its rabbit like a window. If you add corner posts, you could screw the top down to the posts and along the kerfing. When I do a screw down lid on one of my boxes, I use posts in the corners so the screws have something substantial to bite into. 

  • I tried building a little prototype...Ill send ya a pic soon. I really want the tops that recess into the box, so that might be a little tricky without a table saw. But will give it another try soon. Think the box I got going will most likely become a stomp box. Was wondering about your knobs there any way you could make something like that round?? I sure would like to trade some stuff with ya sometime (; I make a pretty nice tailpiece (;

  • I've got some huge wood to make a box with. I can make a box 11 inches by 18 by 3. It's stolen from my garden fence. I had used some nice 1/2" planks (edging from Woodruff Timber). It's White pine and very resonant. Aged a winter on my fence it didn't crack except in the knots. I've got lots of clear area without knots to play with. I may try a hollow neck lap steel out of it too. The planks are 4 ft. long. Are you going to try a scratch built box?

  • Thanks Dave, I still like your handmade boxes better (;

  • Wow, that has turned out gorgeous. Your masterpiece.

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