new upload feb 2012 048

My first cigar box guitar, now 95% complete!
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  • Thanks! The 95% refers to the fact that I ran out of copper shielding tape for the inside (ate up a ton of the stuff), have to go out and get a proper tuner to fine tune the intonation, and I'm going to buy a glass slide before I raise the action for slide playing (no fret buzz at all, but she's currently too low for slide playing). I've always used a brass slide and played on a fretless acoustic, but the slide is too curved for this guitar and the brass sounds like a metallic mess on the is thing, and I want to get the slide I'm going to use on her so I only raise the action the minimal ammount.

  • Classy and unique. What's the 5% left to do?

  • Thank you sir. It's been a labor of love over the last month, for sure. Lots of makeshift and borrowed tools, found and salvaged parts, and who knows how many hours (mostly due to my inexperience). Total cost of the project came to $120. More than I wanted to spend, but now that she's almost done, well worth it.

  • Now that is one seriously bad-ass hunk of hardware...

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