
#49, Eppi (actual name of the guitar is Pigasus which is eponymous with my brand, so Eppi for short).I'd call it a steampunk guitar but I've already triggered a few folks who say it has electrical bits, so it can't be steampunk. So I'm calling it a RetroFuturistic Guitar.25.5" scale, 22 frets, volume, tone and 3-way rotary pickup selector, 2 MGB surface mount 8.8k Box Bucker humbuckers, the back of one of Logan Elliot's chairs, plus everything in my junk drawer including a holographic neckplate and a retard-meter.
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  • Unc - the Kelsey Hayes tags appear to be equipment tags, which would have a serial number stamped on it, cataloged and attached to the piece of equipment.  I worked for the Delco-Remy division of GM years ago, and those tags (obviously with 'Delco-Remy') were on everything from desks to meters to benches to machines.  Very cool find, Korrigan, and a sweet gitty!

  • That was supposed to be "interested in automotive wheel history" but it seems link text can't be that long. lol

  • Thanks UJ!  I found a box of Kelsey Hayes tags in an antique store in Detroit and purchased a few dozen of them. They make great string retainers and jack plates. Here's some info on the company if you're interested in automotive ... :-)

    Jerry: I found the tuners on eBay.

  • interesting keys., homemade buttons.,?..

  • Looks great.  Steam punk works for me.  What the story on the Kelsey Hayes brass piece?

    Ha.  I focused in on the guitar and almost missed that great backdrop.

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