AGP's ''Yucca'' Didgeridoo's ??

While Utubing Didgeridoos recently, I discovered quite a bit of of info about Didgeridoo’s being made from the “Yucca” agave plant, just so happens I have (had!) a couple growing in our our gardens that the wife has been at me for some time to get rid of, and while being an attractive plant, the native Paper Wasps love to build their nests in them, which I quickly discovered when removing them after learning that the trunk can be used as a Didj, they’re little critter’s with a big bite, still got the bite mark on my neck to prove it, the trunks are now stored in a shed drying out, I have no idea how long the drying time takes, there appears to be two ways of hollowing out the centre, one is to split the trunk in two then gouge and glue back together, the other is to somehow burn out the core, only time will tell if and how I can successfully create a playable instrument out of them :-)
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  • "Thanks Bob", won't find out how they turn out until they've dried out, and I make an attempt to hollow them out, something which I'm sure will be a trial and error Thing  :-D

  • "Thanks Maddog", Yep!, the little mongrels do pack quite a sting, for some unknown reason they do seem to like nesting in the Yucca's, which they do all year round at my place, usually not a problem unless you really stir them up  :-)

  • Never seen a Sunflower Didj before Dave, will investigate further!, and I did end finding some Bamboo in one of my sheds, but sadly quite a few cracks in it, it was originally destined to be a Diddley Bow Neck, and that's probably what will happen to it (one day!)  :-D

  • Very resourceful in every way AGP #.  Really looking forward to how they turn out.

  • Wow, perfect shape for a Didj! Careful with them stinging little bastards.....we're still in the middle of winter here so we don't have to worry about bugs.....for now.

  • I’ve used sunflower stalks but they have a small bore. They look cool. I’ve seen a big Yukka dij. It had a big bore.

  • Mr Google tells me Tequila is made from the Agave Tequilana plant, drank a bit of it in my younger days, worm & all, but steer clear of it these days, as it can make one as "Mad as Mexican Hat Dancer"  :-D

    And of course the Ham Fisted Brickie lives in a full Brick House  :-)

  • "Thanks Denbo", they're a nice looking plant that grows well in my area, but the Sharp Spikes & Wasps take the gloss of them a bit  :-)

  • I'm with ya Bones!, they do have a bayonet effect if you get too close, still have one growing in the pool area along with a lot of other Cactus'y type plants, I usually glove up etc when weeding around them, but still manage to finish up covered in blood, and the Warfarin Rat Poison blood thinners I'm on doesn't help either  :-)

  • I think that plant or a close cousin to it is what they make tequila out of down in Mexico.  Pass the tequila and play me some didj.  And of course, you have a brick house!

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