



Toronto, Ontario


April 12

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  • Hi Ken, thanks for the friend request.

  • Hi Ken, No, born and raised there, but now I call Kingston home,

  • Hi Ken, I received a message asking for help on a reso build - it is hard to answer properly to group emails because the Ning software the group runs on only allows emails between people linked as "friends". Also although the question is sent to all the building 101 members a copy isn't left on the discussion group so people have nowhere to link an answer. You will get lots of replies if you add your question as a new discussion on the 101 group. Also if it is possible to add a photo(s) of the build or parts it helps focus on the issue. Regarding piezo disc position adding it to the biscuit usually gives the best reso sound. Regards David. PS I have sent you a friend request - on my page photos are some of a six string reso I made a while back.
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