



Black Country Delta/Dust Bowl...West Bromwich


May 19

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  • Happy Birthday, Chillicool!
  • Hi Chillicool

    Facebook pics here no need for a FB account. More to come so keep the link.

    Boxstock 2013

  • Kev,

    Sorry, my AutoType screwed me over, and I hadda go do something else. Haven't forgotten the Chilli Cool pepper drawings. I finally took one as far as I think it can go, based on feedback from your peeps from last summer (!), and want to send you the PowerPoint with everything I have done to date. I did promise, hadn't forgotten, Life just got in the way. I have a Dropbox link I could send you, or I can send em as pics to your e-mail addy (which is?). Please let me know via PM.

  • Hi Chillicool, be good to get down in the squalor once more,(did I really say that) nah be good to catch up and see how your year has been. Off the brum for the guitar show tomorrow if your going? I know Chickenbone john is exhibiting and never been before. I know Paul said he would like to go but not sure he can make it. If I don't see you before then here's to Boxstock the reunion.......

  • hi, good to meet you too, enjoyed your music..and we'd share our chips with you anytime : -)

  • Thanks Chillicool... It's good to connect with another 'Midlander'.

    Yes I'll be at the Upton Blues Festival this weekend and it would be good to meet up. Can't wait to see Hollowbelly Live.

    Hope to catch you there.

    all the best Paul



  • Is the 6 string a banjitar (i.e. banjo shaped guitar or a 6 string early banjo (5 long 1 short string circa 1890s)? If the former... probably mediums or lights acoustic strings... im not too hot on these... they are the devils work dont you know!! although they sound great for ragtime pickin.  If the later then it should probably have heavy nylon or "nylgut" strings - Check out Rob mackillop on you tube... he also has a wesbite with classic banjo.

  • Hi Chill,

    Thanks! No, I can't play "God Save the Queen", but if I still had the guitar I would give a go at learning it, lol.

    Nice to meet you.

  • Kev,

    Thanks for Friending! Cartoon caricature of "Chillicool" eh? PM me details, and we'll se what we can do. Assume you don't necessarily want something classic like a boardwalk caricature? Or do you want a logo? I can send you a sample of my most recent painting, done last year for a friend's birthday, as a bar sign. I'll post it in my Profile pics so you can see it here.
  • Thanks for the request ;-)

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