Truss rod?

If you have ever added a truss rod to your CBG, what were the circumstances and why did you add it? Does some strings require a truss rod?

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    Taffy Evans

    Hi again, I tried BrianQ's suggestion [search] and found the previous post. I do not know if this is what one does to show it here. If not I tried.
    Good luck Taff

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      There is one thing I wonder: if one does not have a router, could one make laminated neck and while gluing one would put the rod/bar between the wood pieces to get a tight fit?

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        Taffy Evans

        Hi, if on a 3-4 string you can use three laminations and make the middle one of a hardwood, that would have the neck resist string tension. With a six string I would recommend a metal bar fitted as you suggest.