What random stuff have you used for a bridge?

Working on a dog bowl resonator at the moment and am struggling to find a suitable bridge. A couple of hardware store trips and looks around the fixings, drawer handles, plumbing sections have turned up nothing. In the past I've used bolts, hardwood, corner braces, but need to attach this differently. I'm not looking for advice so much but just wondering: what random, weird, interesting stuff have you used for a bridge?


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    John B Treutlein

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      John B Treutlein

      These are my last two

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        Gotta tell you, because of some systemic brain fart I always seem to forget about the bridge. I obsess on the nut and the tail piece, but it is like some sort of forgetfulness EVERY time. I end up hunting through the scrap pile on the workbench. Sometimes it’s a sawn off bolt on a strip of poplar, other times it’s a random chunk of walnut that I whacked at with hammer and chisel until it is right-ish. Your question makes me think of another one “what is the one thing we regularly overlook or forget in our builds.”