Shedding a Tear for Dave Lynas

The other day I was shopping, as so many of us are at this time of year. I stumbled into a store and happened to hear Joni Mitchell's Big Yellow Taxi on the speakers. It stopped me in me tracks. I immediately thought of our dear departed friend Dave Lynas. That song has always reminded me of him, and ever since the video below... it will forever be Dave's song in my mind.

As I listened to Joni belt out those beautiful lyrics as only she can, a literal tear appeared on my cheek. I realized I'll never again be able to hear that song without remembering Dave. I'm not sure if I shed a tear of sadness for the loss or a tear of joy for the wonderful memories. I suppose the two can exist simultaneously and there's no need to overthink it, but it's clear that music creates a connection unlike anything else.

2021 was a difficult year for the Cigar Box Nation. I know there were a lot of struggles and loss (Dave Lynas, Ted Crocker, & more). It sometimes feels like we're fighting a battle just to get back to normal... whatever that word means. I would just like to send Warm Winter Wishes to all CBN members and their families, I hope 2022 can be a year of healing and new endeavors. For the love of music!

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