This is THE place for woman and girls to connect with each other on the CB Nation. We've got nothin' against the guys, but sometimes it is nice to just chat with the gals - share experiences, ideas, triumphs and challenges. Come on in, Gals!
63 Members

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  • Hi,

    I'm Deedee. I live in the Netherlands and like building several musical instruments. Check out my profile if you would like to find out more about me.

  • I am not caught up with all you have been doing, ladies, but i am thrilled at what i have seen and heard !!! Thank you, so much !!!

    NightOwl.... CD ??? You are beyond words. thank you.

    Is there a crazy man in here calling for strong Texas Women   ???

    Since Texas is the closest 'civilization' to my hermitage, i may have to check it out.... would they settle for 'on the border' 'music-loving' 'old woman', i wonder ?

    Have you heard  " i don't want to set the world on fire, i just want to start a little flame in your heart"....?

    It is a beautiful old song... it seems pertinent to the way many ladies within the 'nation' are. Many of them do not even know that this corner exists.

    For those of you who do know, and check in every now and then...

    my BIG HEARTFELT THANKS...zandi z.

  • Well, it has been a long time. I can now play all of my guitars better. I credit just strumming on my favorite 3-strings for it.

    I've built more than a dozen of which half have loving new homes. And, I  am very, very pleased with the latest two that i mailed out earlier this month.

    I'm starting on a batch of small single string tin-jos for the growing tribes of grandchildren my friends and i now have. It only takes one humming string to start the joyful process!

    Congrats, Momma M!... and Bemuzic on your CD!

    I hope you are all well and happy.

    i am still very happily addicted to these lovely sculptures and what they do for the heart, body and mind....  good wishes to you all... zandi z.

  • Hey everyone!!  I thought I would just stop in and see how everyone is doing.  It's been a long while since I have been on the site and I wanted to see what's been happening!  I am still building, and selling, and playing, and having fun with these instruments.  I also have some major photography projects in the works and am being exhibited at the 9/11 Memorial in NYC sometime this next year.  It's quite an honor, and I am humbled that one of my images was selected for inclusion.  

    So what's happening with all of you???  I'd love to hear from folks to know how you are and what you've been doing!



  • Hi ladies!

    My name is Christy.  I am in WV.  I recently stumbled upon cigar box guitars while looking at dulcimer videos on youtube.  I immediately fell in love with them and just finished my first one.  Now- I just have to learn how to play it. :)  Ive been on CBGnation for a couple months but just now discovered the womens group.   I cant wait to increase my playing skills and start on a second build.

  • JILLIAN!  We've been looking for you!  Please read my comment above, at the top of the Discussion Forum list entitled....

    "The CBG Revolution NEEDS MORE WOMEN!"

    and Please Join Us in   

    We need Strong Texas Women like you to help guide the CBG REVOLUTION in Texas!

    Warmest Regards, Steve

  • Hi all,

    I have been a CBN member for a few months now and just found out there was a women's group.  Guess I should have looked for it sooner.

    I live in North Texas and just started building earlier this year.  My other passion is sailing (for many years).  I got the bug to build when I decided I did not like the tuning pegs on a uke I bought.  I found CB Gitty while looking for geared tuners and that led me wonder if I could build my own uke.  Turns out I can.  I have built three ukes now, two diddley-bows, one two string bass (out of a canoe paddle, and three string CBG for CBGs for Service Members.

    And today I just took an order for custom uke for a fellow I know out in California.

    I like the excitement of stringing up an instrument for the first time. 

    Hope to hear from some, or all of you.


  • Hello,

    I've been building for a few years now. I sell on ebay. Thought it would be cool to meet other "female" builders...

  • Hey Linda,

    The builds are not coming. I am glad someone thinks bout me. I wish we lived closer together, so you could motivate me. The knats are really bad now and it is so hot outside.

    I am glad you are still building. I hope you sell some  of your CBGs.

    Is it hot where you live? No air in my shop, besides my husband keeps putting stuff in it that belongs in the other barn because it doesn't have anything to do with my building. It is really cluttered up right with most of his stuff. I don't why men do that. I guess to irritate us.

    I wish you luck on your sale. keep it up girl.

  • Linda, you have some nice, very nice CBGs built. Great job. Keep it up.

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My new guitar

This is only the 3rd guitar I have made. All my other instruments have been ukuleles. It will be the first I have kept for myself and I am looking forward to learning to play it. The box is one biggest I have come across and is in really good shape. These are progress pictures the neck and fret board are now attached but I have not photographed it yet. The black wood is all ebony that I shaped thanks to the Luthier's Friend available at LMI.  It uses a dovetail neck joint but the fit was not as…

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Come on, WOMEN ARE THE DRIVING FORCE BEHIND EVERY MAJOR SOCIAL MOVEMENT IN HISTORY!  The Cigar Box Guitar Revolution is going to need a lot more Women to make it grow faster and give it more depth with more Female Vocalist, Guitarist, Innovators, Inspiration, Fashion and Folk Art of all kinds!  TEXAS NEEDS WOMEN TO GET INVOLVED HERE!  There are a great  many fantastic male builders and players here.  AMAZING TALENT!  None of 'em will get off their ass without a Strong Woman behind "em, or IN…

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