CBGs by nature involve recycling old boxes. Here is a place to share all your ideas about recycling everyday objects into guitar parts. Eye bolt tuners, drain cover soundholes, rusty spanners as bridges, paint can resos... Share creative ideas here.
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  • Sorry for the bad translation ...
    Personalbox want to announced a crowdfunding campaign for his first cigar box guitar album, "Blue ROAD" From france 
    if you want to see more information you can see the campaign at


    for example You can order the digital album for 10€, for 20€ you will have the physical album.

    PersonalBox exist since 2013 ... on the basis of an instrument manufacturing workshop from recycled everyday objects.
    Since that date we are constantly evolving to make cigarboxGuitar, stompbox, or battery from a dryer ...
    we are therefore an eco-friendly group, against the planned obsolescence, all this by playing a Trash-blues or Dirty Blues Rock ... provided that groove! ...

  • Flea Market haul. The manequin body is going to be a double neck guitar with the necks coming out of the waist. Also there are 3 hockey sticks, childs wagon and wheelbarrow (for bodies), skull license plate, tennis rackets, 3 cigar boxes (25 cents each), cast skull pins, and other small odds and ends. All for $20. 306422269?profile=original

  • A pic, too.306422082?profile=original

  • I re-cycle/ up/cycle all the time when building guitars. How about a box of chandelier parts, a pocket watch, brass napkin holder base for the headstock design, display cabinet hardware for the bridge, recycled flooring underlayment for the face and back, and scrap 1X4 for the body sides. I LOVE FLEA MARKETS!!!
  • I'm currently empolyed at some type of recycling facility and as such, I've access to loads of dumped audio electronics. Does it make sens to wade through these (Amplifiers? Where else?) to gather potentiometers?

  • Walking past a charity shop saw a pair horrible curtains ,the type that has large rings sewn in them,poped in got them for a couple of quid,They come in two parts metal one side and black plastic the other,so i now have 36 1 1/2" id holes .

  • Made with a broken neck from my grandson Miles attached to a $3 galvanized dogdish from Walmart, with a spline from a scrap of cherry wood and an oak bridge made from scraps from my father's basement. Can be set up for 6 strings like a guitar or 5 strings like a banjo, with a small screw for the 5th string nut. I like the sound, sounds like I thought it would, letting the new strings settle in.305793437?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • New pics of the dual coffee can 3-string reso-crutch lap steel. When I was testing it, I hit a string while lowering it into the can and it was surprising how it changed the sound. Bolted it on ... done. Usual Sharpie frets mark the 22.5" scale.
  • A few years ago, I made a crutch lap guitar with a coffee can resonator, thought it was original until I found a picture of one very similar on the net. I have just rebuilt it, for my own fun, but shortened it to make it easier to play in a small space. It's Stumpy, the 3-string reso-crutch lap steel. Tuned in 1-5-8, with zither pins and it sounds like you would expect from a coffee can. See pics. But there's more. I put a larger coffee can over it (like the resonator on a banjo) and it projects better (seems louder) and sounds fuller (better lower frequencies).  New pics to come.
  • Hi to all.  Having a look around has reinspired me to find more broken junk and get busy.

     My builds to date are mostly recycled, with strings tuners and pots being the exception ( I am over using worn out esentials )

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Broom Wire Frets

I used broom wire from an old straw broom for frets when I made my Appalachian Mountain Dulcimer. I pre-drilled the holes with a finishing nail a little smaller than the wire. They used broom wire for frets in the old days, also fence staples or nails I understandfacebook-20141105-133823.png

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