
  • Yes it does work on a radius fretboard. i saw one or two tutorials as well, This site has good articles

  • I get my fret wire in rolls and put it on flat fret boards. I always put a drop of superglue on the ends as well just in case.
    I did read one "tip" that recommended using over radiused fret wire by hammering in either end and then hammering home the middle, which is supposed to shift the retaining tangs sideways a bit and make them harder to pull up. Sounds like an over analysed and only faintly plausible justification but I do it anyway and it seems to do no harm.

  • Totally awesome Nation! Thanks for all the response!

  • Lot of good posts here, let me give another perspective.  I looked into buying fretwire benders, DIY ones from lowes, all that. Then I slapped myself and realized you can buy radiused fretwire and it doesn't cost that much more.  I radius by hand by sanding and the pre-bent wire it works like a dream on it.  the wire is radius tighter than the board and that's a good thing, as it seats the fret much better and keeps it there. Often it seats so well and consistently that I don't have to level the frets anymore.   I use a very light hammer and put 4-5 strips of masking tape over the business end and it works fine.  Good luck however you choose.

  • I am radiusing my boards from 12" to 20" with hand made sanding blocks, so the radius is not perfect. I have been using nothing but standard, straight, medium/medium and narrow/medium wire.
  • Just hammer it in. Make sure it is seated on the slot and hammer will bend and stay.
  • Awesome! Thanks for the help! Looks like I need to find where I can get the stuff to make a fret bender.

  • The pros have a tool that does this, but im sure it can be done by hand. Maybe build a jig to form it to. hammer it down a bit.

  • To make sure it fits snug and stays put, you can carefully bending it by holding the tang with pliers, and bending the wire a bit.

  • ????? This site only works for me half the time.....


    Howdy Nation.
    For those of you who make radius fretboards. Will I need to curve the fret wire? If so how?

    Cause the Rat

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