
  • 1-5-1 tuning is easier to play on a 3 string and works great for slide. I like my 4 string better 1/G-5/D-1/G-3/B so that I can add the 3rd or other if wanted.

  • A quick peek at some of Glen's One finger Lessons should answer that question, Open G5 tuning makes it easy to get started, and a lot of "next level" was built on that.

    Any tuning is possible, Shane did a video of Eeg tuning (1 8 10-flat) that was cool.

  • Or DGB using the middle strings from a 6-string set...
  • One reason may be that many CBN members start off building basic fretless stick in a box CBG's, and find learning to play the power chord tuning of GBg and it's variants easier to learn standard 12 bar blues riffs.

    For others who build or play fretted versions, tuning will likely evolve to string/tuning choices that enable fingered chord patterns in 3-6 string styles.

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