Where's all the HOT cbg ladies?!?!?!

Just kidding, I have a hot little tamale at home that keeps me happy. It's funny, though. Every so often I'll catch a posting or a photo on here of a quite attractive female member and I find it a little jarring. I'm completely used to seeing the guys with the mutton chop sideburns and wild beards or the younger guys with tattoos running all up and down their arms but throw a lady on here and I get stopped dead in my tracks out of the sheer weirdness of it. I think it comes from the way our society is set up, where if a woman is attractive she doesn't really need to get her hands dirty in the wood shop; she can get a man to do all that for her. On an individual basis I think we all understand that there is nothing all that strange about a woman working on a band saw but when you take it up to a macro level you have a whole entertainment media set up to portray women as a bunch of helpless, vapid, catty gold diggers. It isn't so surprising that the media is like this (the media is just a stupid headless beast designed to go where the money is); what's surprising is that society itself seems to be cool with this, all the while we're all telling each other how enlightened we are. I'm pretty good about not getting sucked into all the BS but sometimes something happens (like seeing a picture of a woman on a CBG social network) that lets me know that the stupid is starting to find a foothold in my little lizard brain. It's why stereotypes and prejudices are so damned dangerous. It's because they're so damned easy to let cultivate. Last time you found a woman here on the Nation, was your first thought to compliment her guitar or her smoking' hotness ("Wow, nice to see such a lovely lady on the...")? Well that's enough of that. I'm going to go fill my coffee cup and ogle the secretary a bit.

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  • I`m fortunate enoughto have 3 of them in a course I`m giving in the local community centre....
  • Now THAT'S Hot.....
  • HAHAHA! I suppose I could get it to hum a perfect 440 if I sit the right way.

    Josh Gayou (SmokehouseGuitars) said:
    It all depends, I guess. Can you use it to tune an instrument?

    Sorry but I couldn't resist.

    Starfish, darling said:
    I'm hoping my vagina doesn't make my presence an issue. I've made two cbgs so far and have yet to need it to complete either one.
  • It all depends, I guess. Can you use it to tune an instrument?

    Sorry but I couldn't resist.

    Starfish, darling said:
    I'm hoping my vagina doesn't make my presence an issue. I've made two cbgs so far and have yet to need it to complete either one.
  • Wow... just whipped through this thread and really haven't thought this out. But here's my 2 cents.

    Two months ago, I didn't know cbgs existed. I can't remember the initial impetus that inspired me, but soon as I saw one, I knew I had the upcoming birthday present for The Beau. I started researching, voraciously eating up info on building one. I grew up playing in my (inventor) grandfather's workshop and my grandmother's upholstery shop. I've been building stuff all my life - okay, girly confession: circular saws still scare the bejeezus outta me. It never occurred to me that there would be a lack of women involved in making cbgs.

    I land here, found a polite and welcoming community, always ready to help answer a question, help solve a problem, and yes, throw around a compliment or two and yet, maintain a sense of decorum, which I find totally refreshing. So far, no one's asked me to show them my... well, anyway, I digress.

    My avatar? It's one I like and I will admit, a flattering shot of myself, but I am a photographer. And that was taken on a train with a cell phone. Everything in balance. Hot? I don't think so, but I don't hate it, either. It didn't even cross my mind that any heads would turn because I indent in a place were most others here protrude. I wanted to build guitars and I need/ed information.

    I am happy that it did make you stop and think about it, though. I believe it's a step in the right direction.

    I used to do stand-up comedy and it would really irk me when an MC would say something like "And our next comic is a woman..." as if it made a difference as to whether or not I could be funny.

    I'm hoping my vagina doesn't make my presence here an issue. I've made two cbgs so far and have yet to need it to complete either one.
  • Or, as I refer to it, "Monday".

    Ghostwitch said:
    In my world I guess the "hot cbg ladies" are the ones in their underwear screaming at me to pay some attention to them and stop screwing around with "that damned stick and box".....

  • In my world I guess the "hot cbg ladies" are the ones in their underwear screaming at me to pay some attention to them and stop screwing around with "that damned stick and box".....

  • Guess I'll offer some perspective based on over the past 20+ years teaching in an American mid-west suburban district... a bit on the affluent side.

    Nowadays, there are WAY more girls in competitive sports than there were, and more who are considering careers that used to be dominated by males. For a few years now- there are more women in US universities than men.

    Those of us in the older generation(s) might remember most of our female classmates being culturally steered into nursing, teaching, secretarial and home-maker roles. That is LONG gone in my district.

    When these new-age women start raising their kids, it seems likely that the trend will accelerate. Two cents.
  • I hadn’t really thought of the female players and builders on Cigar Box Nation as anything other than enthusiasts the same as any of us, I think that’s why when my friends 12 year old daughter thought this so kool that I built her a guitar of her own, second thought was if she thought they were kool then maybe if I build some to sell I will not forget the girls either, There are many great blues women out there.
  • Ah that explains it then, Ben . . . . (you Limeys and your quirky names for things.) I can't understand why you can't speak the language the way we invented it. *grin*

    Randy Rooster (Ben) said:
    Kevin - forgot about the translations, sorry! lol
    We call folk who erect platforms for working on the sides of buildings etc scaffolders. And there aint many women doin that - they all want to be builders and plumbers! ;o)

    Im fairly sure Josh posted this with his tongue firmly lodged in his cheek, but it is an interesting point - especially since some of the females here (no names Skeesix lol) do the same!

    And anyway, MY avatar makes me look HOT... judge me as you will :o)
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