
  • I'm new at this 3 string open tuning myself, and I'm wondering what is the differents of Dgd vs gdg it seems like there's way more chord charts and scale tabs on the net for gdg then dgd.And I'm thinking the Dgd tununging is more of a grezeyer, dirtyer sound. Or am I wrong here...I'm digging the sound of hollowbellys , if that helps?
  • If the strings are not too heavy and the neck can take it tune EBE
    A whole step lower is DAD
    I have CBG lessons tuned DAD on my instructional video CD 1
    Look here:
    If you build a 4 string and tune it Df#ad, you have a full six string (Open D Tuning) between the two guitars.
    I am doing the same thing but using strings A,D,g and tuning GDg
    Same exact string relationship 151 but in another key.
    CD 4 covers these 3 string CBG lessons. The current free lessons (CD 5) on my youtube page covers 4 string tuned Dgbd (Open G tuning)
    The two guitars together gives you this:
  • DAd = open D

    DGd = open G

    of the two I really prefer DAD because the root has more "meat" (two strings on the root of D)... however if you need open G for singing, go ahead and use DGd, or better yet, used the 5,4,3, strings and tune them GDg.....

    the best,

    Wichita Sam
  • Jerryrig240 said:
    What open chords would those be? Still not great at my tunings. Now if I can just find my tuner....

    DAD / EBE are "power chords" -- neither major nor minor, really: you can play them behind lots of stuff. Played with a slide, you can do lots of cool stuff around just a few positions. See Knotlenny's "how to" video for examples.
  • What open chords would those be? Still not great at my tunings. Now if I can just find my tuner....
  • Or DGD
  • A low DAD would work, or you could tune EBE.
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