
  • This is interesting. We did has the temp set low. Maybe I should loosen the strings when it is just setting. Which it is because I do not know how to play.

    Bob Harrison said:
    This question is really a good one. It had me thinking about what I had seen 20 years ago. In an engineering and materials thought this has been my observation and experience.

    The smallest of the wound strings in a nylon or silk and steel set is the most common string to break. I feel this is because the core or winding is a lot thinner than the next wound string up and is higher stressed in comparison.

    The main clue here also is that you were gone for two weeks. Likely your homes heat was set a little lower than normal. This combined with not quite enough radius on the tail stock and the natural weakness of the string, you have the perfect storm.

    In cold weather, on the weekends was when this would happen to me.

  • Paul,
    This question is really a good one. It had me thinking about what I had seen 20 years ago. In an engineering and materials thought this has been my observation and experience.

    The smallest of the wound strings in a nylon or silk and steel set is the most common string to break. I feel this is because the core or winding is a lot thinner than the next wound string up and is higher stressed in comparison.

    The main clue here also is that you were gone for two weeks. Likely your homes heat was set a little lower than normal. This combined with not quite enough radius on the tail stock and the natural weakness of the string, you have the perfect storm.

    In cold weather, on the weekends was when this would happen to me.

  • Maybe you accidently folded or kinked the string in that particular area when you made the knot to keep it in the hole, i made that mistake on my classical guitar once and it snapped right at the bridge.

    I don't know about uke's but classical guitar string's need to be tied a certain way so the tention they aply is not all on the knot but distributed trough the bridge.

    Like this


    Maybe you could find some way to tie them like that, like drilling matching holes underneath the ones the string's feed trough now. That should able you to tie them simulair to that in the pic.

    Or it could be just a bad string. I'm no nylon or Ukelele expert but i've had various steel guitar string's fresh outouf the pack snap 1-2 full note's before pitch on a Stratocaster and i've had some high E string's that just would't intonate correctly (the saddle needed to be adjusted so far foreward's it reached over the bridgeplate itself) whilst they where brand new.

    It happen's ,especialy with cheaper brand's.

    Nice build btw! Any video's of it being playd?

    Hope this helps, Frans.
  • Paul,
    After hiking around northern Arizona for years and seeing Kokopelli carved into rock faces... Yes he has been seen playing instruments other than the flute. Why not the tenor uke.


    Paul Doug said:
    Thanks. It is a tenor Ukulele, if I remember it is 17" scale. Second Ukulele I made. The sound hole is Kokopelli but it didn't seem right for him to play a flute so I redrew him playing a guitar.

    Thanks for the nice comments ad good info everybody.

    rain-air said:
    Correct! Some of these just pop eventually. May not even take a humidity change for doing so.
    It sure is a nice instrument. Is it a ukulele? which tuning?
  • Thanks. It is a tenor Ukulele, if I remember it is 17" scale. Second Ukulele I made. The sound hole is Kokopelli but it didn't seem right for him to play a flute so I redrew him playing a guitar.

    Thanks for the nice comments ad good info everybody.

    rain-air said:
    Correct! Some of these just pop eventually. May not even take a humidity change for doing so.
    It sure is a nice instrument. Is it a ukulele? which tuning?
  • Blame the cat.
  • Correct! Some of these just pop eventually. May not even take a humidity change for doing so.
    It sure is a nice instrument. Is it a ukulele? which tuning?
  • I'm actually too distracted by the beauty of this build to make a cogent comment.
  • Good to hear. Hope things are well at the Doug household.


    Paul Doug said:
    Hi, Wes. I've been checking in often, but haven't built anything lately. Getting in the mood to get back at it.

    Wes Yates said:
    Paul! Hey. Long time no hear!Bad string? - WY
  • Hi, Wes. I've been checking in often, but haven't built anything lately. Getting in the mood to get back at it.

    Wes Yates said:
    Paul! Hey. Long time no hear!Bad string? - WY
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