
  • You can use the string gauge calculator thingy and get the proper gauge for any tuning/any length:



    Enter 27" and then D, A and d and you get:


    D: 20

    A: 13

    d: 10


    But there's lots of leeway.  I generally go lighter, cause I am a delicate little thing.  Some folks like heavier, especially if they are playing with a noter.


       It is a Mountain Dulcimer 27'' scale thank you very much for the info

  • Hi Ishmaelprophet,


    What is the scale length of your cigar box dulcimer?

    And, is it really a mountain dulcimer, or just a stick dulcimer? 


    Here is a photo of three cigar box mountain dulcimers

    CBMD_trio_250px.jpgAnd here is a photo of a stick dulcimer:


    As you can see, the stick dulcimer looks pretty much like any 3-string cigar box guitar (which it is), but the frets on the fingerboard are diatonically spaced instead of chromatically spaced. Mountain dulcimers also have the same kind of diatonically spaced frets, but the string order is reversed as compared to a stick dulcimer.

    It is possible that both instruments could use the same strings if the scale lengths are similar. The stick dulcimer builds I use are typically 50cm (a bit less than 20") while the mountain dulcimers are more like 27" to 28". When I pick strings for a stick dulcimer, I usually go with either Strings 1, 2 & 3 or Strings 2, 3 & 4 from a standard set of 6 guitar strings. I prefer having both string 1 and string 2 unwound (plain steel).

    When I built my mountain dulcimer, I used strings recommended for a mountain dulcimer at some other dulcimer website (I don't remember which one), but any ways, here's what they recommended for a mountain dulcimer:


    String Gauges for Mountain Dulcimers

    Here is some information on string sizes to use for a Mountain Dulcimer (MD).
    You can buy mountain dulcimer string sets, but guitar strings of suitable gauge should work fine.
    Here's what I recommend:

    Four-String MD with Double-Melody (Tuning:  D-A-AA  or D-A-dd)
    1. Melody String #1:  0.010 to 0.012 plain steel
    2. Melody String #2: 0.010 to 0.012 plain steel
    3. Middle String: 0.012 to 0.014 plain steel
    4. Bass String: 0.022 bronze-wound (or similar wound)

    For a three stringer, of course, you'd only need one melody string (string 1). Be aware that on a Mountain Dulcimer the melody string is the one closest to you when the MD is sitting on a table waiting to be played, and the bass string is the furthest one away. This string placement is opposite that of guitars and stick dulcimers.


    Hope this helps.




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