I made a stupid mistake when making one of my cbg, I made the cbg backwards (I kicked myself for it), cut the wrong side so the logo is upside down.  It’s a all wood box with no stickers on it, the logo on top looks like it is printed on it or burnt on, it looks like it can be sanded off easily.

Here’s what I thought I could do with this cbg:

1. I could sell it for a left handed person or
2. I could paint the top of the box to cover the logo

Question is:  What kind of paint works best for a wood cigar box and do you think this is what I should do or keep it for a left hander?

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  • I recently built 40 mini stick dulcimers for the local international school's four guitar classes for 13 yos. And we had the kids paint their sound boxes to personalize their instruments and later, had them install the machine tuners, nut, bridge and strings. Anyways, we used a special white paint designed for use on wood products as the base coat. Sorry, I can't tell you the name and other details (it's all in Chinese hanzi), but it was made by the same company that makes the water based polyurethane that I've been using with good result on the stick dulcimers that I build.

    Anyways, the kids used water-based poster paints borrowed from their art teacher to paint ontop of the white undercoat. Then, after they were done I painted them with a single coat of poly urethane (with two coats on the bare wood neck, headstock and fretboards). They came out pretty well. But be forewarned, kids and paint = a big mess. So, water based paints and polyurethane is a good choice for kids.

    There were a few "spare" instruments which I painted by mixing poster paint colors with water-based polyurethane which worked well and only required one application (as opposed to painting then poly-ing). I'll likely use this method on future builds that require any painting.

  • no problem - all my builds are upside down lefty! (-:

  • Someone call me?? Keep it as it is,-)

  • I'd set it up as a lefty, gotta keep them south paws happy ya know.

  • To many people say leave it upside down, so I guess I will.   We'll see how it sells.

    Thanks everyone.

  • I'd just leave it upside down...Adds character.

  • Here is the box that I messed up on.  Thinking of painting it black the with some nice pin strips or somthing on it.  Or I did see one person paint the American Flag on one and that looked nice, 4th of July is coming up too so would probably be a easy sell.



    • oh a lefty for sure ...

    • That's a nice box, I'd leave it alone. If someone doesn't like offer to sell it to them, then they can change it.

    • Nuthin' wrong with that, that a leetle trip across the Equator wouldn't fix. Sell it to an Aussie ;-)
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