Good day everyone. I'm in the process of making a 4 string electric cbg for someone. I have used a bolt with 2 eye bolts for string retention on my 0 fret builds. I find they sometimes bind when tuning. So I have never used the roller type string retainers on a guitar and wonder if they would be enough to hold the string in the right place on a 0 fret? Anyone use these and if so, did they work or did you still have to keep the stings in place using whatever method?

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  • Yes, I don't see much use in the string trees in this build. I have seen someone using a file to file a  slight groove in the O fret to keep the strings from sliding all over the fret. Maybe that's a better route to go. Or making some kind of a string guide before the 0 fret to keep the strings in line.

    • Hi, just a comment Robbie, you will nead a high zero fret if you put grooves in it, the grooves may put the strings at same height or lower than the first fret, creating buzz, or are not deep enough and the strings will slide out if the angle to the tuner post is too great.

      Your last suggestion is the regular way on a full size guitar. You actually have a nut but its behind the zero fret and spaces the strings.


  • Hi, the use of string trees on an electric guitar is to provide downward pressure on the nut, due to the distance the tuners get from the nut with a six in line peghead. Also you will notice the the strings have a straight line from nut to tuner, so the the trees are not normally used to change the direction of the string.

    As the roller is meant to hold the string down, I'm not sure you would get the same free movement with the string pulling to one side. Possibly the regular string tree would work better as it has a smooth spacer over the screw for the string to run against.

    Just a thought Taff

    • Here's what I'm talking about....


  • This went right over my head.,,.roller string trees on a CBG.,.?  I would work on the binding issue , or add rollers to your homemade retainer.,.when things and strings bind for me, I break out the razor files and file off whatever impedes.,, and I am a big fan of the zero fret.,,.

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