My old classical guitar is circa 20-30mm thick. Maybe ukulele neck is 15mm thick?

I may get two 25mm thick blanks made out of leftover pieces from work. If I did not mess up glueing.

pieces together. Its not very good idea to glue  different height 10-15mm pieces together.

 They move easily up and down. Special if you are only left with long clamps.  Also PVA drys fast.

Pieces was 32-34mm thick 67mm wide. Some people are not very happy what I'm doing and some let me use leftovers.

If this is not working out. I need to find wood somewhere else.

If put neck on box I need brace the box.

Putting box on neck and I don't need braceing.

If the neck in box is too wide, It don't  sound good or too quiet.

What to too ? 

I think I need some sort of reinforcement for box. 

Maybe something like is used for banjos?

Box just feels too weak for strings tension. Dowell through box may help. I'm not sure.

Another Idea is  to use neck through. I just lower the neck in box and leave space between top and bottom. 



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  • Wood for neck.
    153825053?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024 Glued together leftover pieces of thermo ash from work. 650x51.5x26. End needs to be crosscut.
  • and the drawing,see also Ruby's uke on my page306372111?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

    • Thank you  Michael Fred Johnson.  I don't like regular ukulele.

      Concert ukulele sounds better, I don't have a fingerboard.

      I would like to use proper frets. Metal frets last longer than wood.

      I also don't have nut files. So I have to think what to do. 

      I have trapezoid shape box  so it may be shorter than regular ukulele body.

      For bracing I think I can use  wooden laths from hardware store. I may get leftovers from work for sides.  

      • That drawing is for a concert uke.

        You can use virtually any 6mm thick hardwood for a fingerboard.

        I don't have nut files either,I manage with a set of cheap needle files and a set of welders tip cleaners.

        Don't care for friction tuners,prefer the geared types,open or closed 

      • How much is recomended friction tuners for ukulele?

  • Here is a photo of construction of a proper uke306372324?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • Here is a box construction that you could use on a uke though this was a reso.The neck is dovetailed into a block.The second photo is a steel strung four string front,you could substitute this on the same basic box for your uke.15mm is plenty thick enough for a neck,add blocks to make a heel at the body joint and a fingerboard306371838?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024306373753?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

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