
  • Thanks ron you were dead on
    • Glad you got it solved. Future reference for future builds: floating bridge is good.
  • Ok i will move the bridage we thought we had this set before so i glued the bridage down i tried tuning like they showed in the video on the first 4 fretts but cant get it not to be sharp thanks for the help
  • Check your bridge placement and angle across the box top.
  • Thanks i dont have a capo but i did build this cbg and have the tools but i am already down to .050 over the first frett so i cant go much more like they showed in the youtube video i will try but afraid it wont work this is my second build the first one was just for using a slide so this is my first time with fretts thanks for the help
  • A lot of CBGs have pretty high action because they were designed primarily for slide playing. Like they said in the video if you push down on the string to fret it you will be stretching it and causing it to go sharp. If you are not a builder - maybe you just bought the guitar and don't have the tools or don't want to do any modifications you can just put a capo on the first fret. This will bring the action down and stretch the strings. If you want to be in a standard tuning just retune with the capo on. You will be bringing them down about a 1/2 step.


  • Thanks i will try that tonite we did try to set this but the video gave me more info than i had before thanks again
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