To much HOLE

Hey nation! I was finishing up my 4th build I feel as if I made the acoustic sound hole alittle to big for my taste and was wondering if anyone had any cool ideas on ways to muffling it alittle. Or ways over covering the whole up with some type of material. any suggestions would be cool. Thanks Matt.

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  • Thought I was reading Kurt Cobain's headstone for a minute

  • Drain covers come in an assortment of sizes?

  • Too Much Hole HAHAHAHAHA   Make a donut out of thin ply or whatever your top is made from glue it over the hole if possible glue it to the inside.

    • Hahahah, definitely what I'll most likely try
  • some of my boxes come with thin wood inserts, glue a pair over the edges of the hole to make it smaller, decorated to look in style with the box

    i.e. if its rat style, make them look like old planks trying to nail it closed against a zombie, gold spray paint to make a classy framed look, stain to match the fret board and contrast with the box, make them look like 6 panel antique doors in miniature, make it look like a bio-hazard or electric shock hazard sign centered across the hole letting a little on either side open for sound, let your imagination go wild...

    • Definitely some awesome ideas thanks a lot I'll see what I come with
  • Paint can lid with itty bitty holes drilled into it. Rustificate it!
  • What??? This isn't a porn

    drop a homemade resonator in it and fill the whole thing......Voila, Lemonade!

  • well depending on how big you made it, surely you could acquire or make a big sound hole cover with a highly decorative design carved into it.

  • You can make your own version of a "lute hole" - if you google the term there are numerous designs to give you some ideas.
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