
  • See ya at Beards to  figure stuff out for the event

  • We are gaining momentum. Our fifth person contacted me. "Uncle Lou" from CB Nation is planning to be there. How about you? 

  • Public advertising could bring in more of the curious than real participants. I'd think about establishing yourself first. Get a good feel for where your club is going. Then advertise. 

  • Really hope this becomes an annual event Preston. Believe me, the number of people that show up doesn't matter. Weather it's four, ten or more. Nor does the playing or building skills of any individual. Every CBG meet I've attend has been a great mix of like minded people. There a blast to get involved in. Every meet has been different. People bring things to trade or give away. Even sell. Talk about builds or have questions. Lots of music. Bluegrass, country, blues and rock. Sometimes at the same time. Doesn't matter the skill level. People come together to have a fun. 

    Distance doesn't seem to matter. We have one member who makes the four hour trip from Kansas City MO. A few regulars like myself live an hour or more out. Ya, these events are worth the trip. Ours lasts only two hours. So some of us spend more time in the car. But well worth it. Weather your event is in a place of business or a privet home. It's well worth the effort to set up and attend. 

    Look forward to hearing good news soon! Keep us all posted.

    • Thank you for the positive feedback. I'll admit, I was getting a little worried. Partially due to our locality, but also do to the slow response. Although a slow growth momentum is better than getting buried in to many people, expecting to much, to soon. I was hoping for a few more faces though. What do you think of the idea of using one of our "FM" stations, maybe a interview or just a invitation out over the air. Would that be going to the other extreme? Thanks again.  Preston

  • I started the Sacramento Area CBG Workshop about 4 years ago.  We meet at the Strum Shop in Roseville 4 Sunday afternoons a year.  We had great turn out at first...up to 35 people at one meeting.  We are down to 5 or 6 now, with a few passer-bys off the street.  The meets are still very informative and worth my time and the music shop to let us have the space.  They have a little stage with all the amp equipment we need, and it is air conditioned too.  We get the space FREE, so that is a real plus.  Enjoy, it's a lot of work to get it going and keep it going.

    • Hi Will,

      I live in SF and do some builds out of my garage.

      Would love to come by the next time you get together.


    • Thanks for the feedback, Will. Sacramento is a very large city. Where I live is very rural, mostly small towns,10 to 30 miles apart. I've gotten 5 responses total this week, including myself. "Pick" told me about a list of Michigan members, 260 plus names of which I tried to "friend" all who lived in a 100 mile radius, but only got 2 "friends"of which only 1 communicated with me & he lives in Detroit.  I'm just not feeling very good about this, so far. I have found a facility called "The Red Sky Stage in a centrally located town and they would be happy to have us, cost free. I'm not great with a pc, so getting the word out is a challenge. I've been thinking of getting with one of our local fm stations and maybe using them. I'm not licked yet. Thanks again.   Preston

  • cool  .. need  more  of these around  .  good  luck  to  ya  .  ;-)

    sign  up   folks  .. ;-)

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