
  • Just my humble opinion but...


  • I have a big stick from tiny guitars same as a strummstick only larger and it looks like the G,B,E strings tuned DAD sounds great.
  • Try 'em both, experiment, and see which one gives you the sound you are looking for.
  • call it anything you want... BTW the McNally site has lots of great info include tech stuff, song tabs and playing instructions.... that's why I don't use his CopyRited name, even though it is sorta like getting a copyrite on "Milk"....

    Just build it, play it and have fun....

    the best,


    Tam Givens said:
    Steel, I use 4 2 1 from either guitar strings, or 5 string banjo if you want to use loop ends.
    That would be for DAd on a grand strum stick.
    I think Strumstick is a copyright name for the McNally Strumstick, you will have to call it a Strummer, or stck dulcimer.

    Check out Tiny guitars, He is a member here he makes great lookin strummers.
    Check out his website, I learned a lot from it.

  • Steel, the small three in any guitar set... (I use electric 11s) tune D-A-d and you ready to play...
  • Tinyguitars was my inspiration for trying to build one. I miss him. Can I call it a "Strummer Thingy"?
  • Steel, I use 4 2 1 from either guitar strings, or 5 string banjo if you want to use loop ends.
    That would be for DAd on a grand strum stick.
    I think Strumstick is a copyright name for the McNally Strumstick, you will have to call it a Strummer, or stck dulcimer.

    Check out Tiny guitars, He is a member here he makes great lookin strummers.
    Check out his website, I learned a lot from it.

  • I use .032 wound, .022 wound and .014 steel, or something close to that. I like that little extra bass, and I like the mellow tone of the wound strings.
  • I use 24, 14, 12,12 acoustic guitar strings on my 4 string strummers. I like the sound they give. They are pretty versital for strumming and picking.
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