String problem

Hey folks,
I'm building my first CBG and I've just about finished.  I don't have any spare strings so I took the ADG strings off another guitar to use.  Since they were clipped on that guitar they don't fit on my CBG.  The problem is I live in a podunk and the single place to buy strings is a ma and pop that sells 'em for $12.  I don't have $12.  What can I use as a great substitute for guitar strings?  Will appropriately sized steel wire do the trick?
As this is my first CBG and I'm so close to finishing, this is frustrating the hell out of me!
Thanks for any help!!

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  • If Walmart sells them on the internet store, you cn have them shipped to your nearest store and pick them up. If you distroyed your guitar just because you couldn't get strings for it may I suggest there is a bigger issue here....
  • I extend the length of my old strings with nylon fishing line but I suppose wire would also work. I use steel fishing wire for strings sometimes too, works OK.

    Are you going to build another guitar?
  • How is that going to help?

    Zack Brown said:
    Nevermind. I got mad and destroyed the fucking thing.
  • you can use different gauge "mechanics" wire (usually steel).... copper wire too weak... You can use heavy gauge fishing line, if you built on a relatively think topped box...

    good luck...

    Wichita Sam
  • Actually, Walmart still sells strings -- it probably depends on the Walmart store. Target sells strings too.
  • Well...........that is one solution I suppose. A tad drastic but effective.

    Zack Brown said:
    Nevermind. I got mad and destroyed the fucking thing.
  • Nevermind. I got mad and destroyed the fucking thing.
  • Yeah, Walmart used to sell cheap $5 acoustic strings but they've stopped carrying them. Thanks for the help, I'll try one of these.

    Wes Yates said:
    You can use steel. There might be a volume issue but not too much so. I would say go to walmart and get some strings but seems wally world stopped selling guitar items -- at least locally.
    THICK fishing line, thinner weed whacker strings. Even nylon cord can be used.
    OR better yet, take some wire off the window screens like the 'ol stylers did. Nah, go to the hardware store and get some thin wire.

  • You can use steel. There might be a volume issue but not too much so. I would say go to walmart and get some strings but seems wally world stopped selling guitar items -- at least locally.

    THICK fishing line, thinner weed whacker strings. Even nylon cord can be used.

    OR better yet, take some wire off the window screens like the 'ol stylers did. Nah, go to the hardware store and get some thin wire.

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