
  • As usual, the answer is...42
  • with only tens of milliamps going through the wire, gauge isn't so important, just as long as you can strip and solder it, it's good enough. 

    If 43 gauge is big enough for the juice in the mag-pickup, anything bigger can take that same juice to the pots & jack.

  • Old cat5 computer network cable has several twisted pairs of good quality 24g stranded wire inside. The cable from your modem to your computer. Bully your local computer person, tons of it gets disposed of regularly. 

    • Old Cat5.  That's what I'm using.  Not saying it's right, it's just what I use.  ;)

    • Exactly what I've been using!  Works awesome!

  • If you every get a strand of mini or led Christmas lights that quit working your'll have more wire than you'll need for a very long time. 

  • I've been using 22 or 24 depending on what's available.

    • thanks for the input...

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