
  • Well I only thought I was ready to pot them. Messed them both up trying to solder the ends. Thanks for thoughts on potting though. I'll try wax when I get there. Might as well strum a bit without pickups.
    • The guitar looks great Mel, everything seems to be in place. How do you mean messed them up?

    • Broke the inside lead off each one trying to prep for soldering!
    • Minus the pickups, here's a shot of my box.


  • Let me preface this by saying that I've never wound or potted a pickup. I'm going to eventually, but not so far.

    I do, however, know a bit about shellac. If the "insulation" on the coil wire is in fact shellac, the possibility exists that potting in shellac will dissolve the layers of shellac on the wire. When you apply additional coats of shellac atop one another, the new layer "melts" (for the lack of a better term) into the previously applied layer, bonding them together. My concern would be that dipping the shellac coated wire into more shellac would cause the alcohol to melt into the shellac insulation, thus shorting out the whole thing.

    Again, I don't know anything about winding or potting a pickup, so I may be way, way off base here - and if I am, somebody please correct me. Still, my experience with shellac is such that it is something to be concerned with and ask about.

    • I do know that the coil wire seems to be very sensitive to super glue, and super glue can melt the insulation.

      Be careful to keep it away from the coil wires.

    • That's interesting Dan. I use superglue to fix the magnets in but obviously its cured by the time I wind the coil. haven't had a problem so far. I'm guessing you mean its no good for porting?
    • I would not use it for potting, I use urethane. But, if you are not careful and wait for the glue to be completely cured (like you say), it can eat through the wires. I just had one I had to strip and rewind for that very reason.

      Just pointing out stuff that could damage the winding wire.

    • Superglue does not damage my coils, I use it all the time.
      Ted pots with it too, because of it's wicking properties it does a great job
    • Interesting. OK.

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