Hey, do any a yous guys seal da paper covered cigar boxes with laquer or sump'n? Ya know... just ta keep it from peeling or comin' loos. Jus wondrin'. Aam tinkin' a tryin it right now. Tanks; Unc

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  • Yo!

    u da man! spray laquer...

    did it... lookin good

    AAAmen on da 'Namel bad...

    tell the kids

    wear a mask... just say no.. to paint fumes...

    chee-heck my audio

    Uncle Blues...

    Uncle Blues said:
    Josh Gayou (SmokehouseGuitars) said:
    Spray lacquer all the way. Attach the neck, mask the neck off, hang the guitar by one of the tuner holes and spray the hell out of it. 3 even coats will usually do ya.

    Do not use enamel. Enamel == bad.
  • Josh Gayou (SmokehouseGuitars) said:
    Spray lacquer all the way. Attach the neck, mask the neck off, hang the guitar by one of the tuner holes and spray the hell out of it. 3 even coats will usually do ya.

    Do not use enamel. Enamel == bad.
  • Spray lacquer all the way. Attach the neck, mask the neck off, hang the guitar by one of the tuner holes and spray the hell out of it. 3 even coats will usually do ya.

    Do not use enamel. Enamel == bad.
  • Yo;
    I'm jus hopin' my mojo..
    ain't yer ugly!


    Wichita Sam said:
    IF the box is in good ship, it won't "peel or come loos" unless you let it set out in the rain. If you want to protect it from wear and tear, OK.... much I'm excited that some of my fav first builds are starting to show some "mileage"...

    One man's ugly is another man's mojo....

    the best,

    Wichita Sam
  • IF the box is in good ship, it won't "peel or come loos" unless you let it set out in the rain. If you want to protect it from wear and tear, OK.... much I'm excited that some of my fav first builds are starting to show some "mileage"...

    One man's ugly is another man's mojo....

    the best,

    Wichita Sam
  • The spray-bomb acrylic seems to do well too. It's cheap, readily available and dries in minutes. As always, mucho thin coats beats one mucho coat.
  • I've been using Valspar high gloss laquer with excellent results. Does not discolor the paper. Gives it a little extra gloss (although you could always use a semi-gloss) that looks good. Seems to be fairly durable. A couple of light coats does a nice job. I usually take a little Elmers glue and tac down the loose edges first. Give that a few minutes to dry, and then spray away. "Let us spray" - Also very forgiving on streaks and runs too. The Valspar is readily available at Lowes. Not sure about the Depot.
  • Well, I can't say because the cigar stores that I frequent throw the paper boxes away, and only save the wooden ones. I would think you could spray them, but I would give them multiple thin coats instead of heavy coats, so the paper doesn't discolor from the wetness.
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