
  • I'd call it heavy.

  • if you build an ammo box guitar, its an "instrument, musical, ammo bov, field expedient"

  • A lot of the 3 and 4 stringers you'll here and on other sites have boxes built by the builder. Either because they want a better quality wood in the box or because suitable cigar boxes are not readily available to them.

    Most of the folks I know just call them all "Box Guitars" and leave it at that.

    In the end, it doesn't matter as what we are usually talking about is "Hand Made Musical Instruments".

  • Me ether.  Looks like someone has been using it, though.

  • Well Whaddaya know, never seen that word used.


  • They are called tinjo’s?

  • When I'm talking to a customer I call the ones made with an actual cigar box a CBG, and the others on display CBG style guitars.

    I think I remember seeing guitars made out of a tin called canjo's, maybe they should be called tinjo's, haha.

  • If it’s in the spirit of a cigar box guitar, then it is? It’s just one of those things?

  • well have a look at the entries for some of the competitions here. there are a lot not made from actual "cigar boxes". if you are pedantic then call it a cigar box style guitar. 

  • I'm not an expert at all, but in my humble opinion you can make any handmade box to a cigar box by putting a cigar in it.You can take the cigar out again and build a guitar - then called a cigar box guitar.
    But you should have a proof. So make a photo when the cigar is in the box.

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