
  • if  it  dont  resonate  too  good  ,  you  can always  add a  mag  pickup  or  a  rod  piezo. 


  • I would speak to AP...he's made a couple

    • A buddy of mine from "The Bean Blossom Blues Fest" - Sal made one with a neck of acrylic but he was saying that it really bows under string pressure. But it sure looks cool !!

  • i've been waiting for a couple of days jeb,as mine is not really relevant to your question,but i've made a semi solid from perspex,[plexi glass],not quite what you're asking,but i really doubt you'd get any decent sound out of a p/glass top,very little resonance unless you can pre tension it ,which might be worth a play with,it is easy to work with,but hard to finish nicely                    

  • I have made a clock out of one for the cigar store, but that all I could come up with to do with the box.

  • I have seen some nice ones in here with a light show or scene built inside. Lots of possibilities.

  • I am not sure about sound, but I can't see a reason why not. It will vibrate, why not. When you saw, the saw marks can be made like polished glass if you take a propane torch and play the outer part of the flame along the edge of the plexiglass.Too close and you will get bubbles and brown scorch. Get it just right and it will round and turn it polished clear Hit the edge with a a mill bastard file at about a 45 deg. angle before you apply flame, to knock the jaggies off. Practice on a piece of scrap and you will be a pro in 39 minutes If this is an electric your wiring must be a whole lot prettier than mine. (;-D) Good Luck

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