Hi everybody,

I built my first cigar box guitar with a wooden wine case and I put a piezo transducter inside to plug it to my amp.

But I have a little problem, I made the connections like the diagram just below but when I connect it to my amp, I need to put the volume at the maximum to be able to heard something (the part call "input" in the diagram is the jack plug).

Can somebody help me to know how I can pre-amplify the ouput signel of the piezo transducter ?


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  • Check your jack and make sure your hot and ground are on the right sides.

    • I have already cheled that I think Ron is roght because when I use my vox amplug at the output of my CBG and connect it to my amp, it work well.

      So I think I probably need a preamp but somebody can give me the diagram to built one ?

      I'm sure that others people met the same problem as me and found the solution.

      I will take a long pre-amp unit, but if somebody can help me to built one, it will be great.

      Thanks very much evry body

  • The issue isn't necessarily adding another piezo (although it might help some). Piezos have relatively high impedance, and unless you have separate low and high impedance input jacks on your amp, or your amp has a built-in preamp, you will need a pre-amp to boost the signal so your amp can amplify it. Adding a piezo in series can help reduce the resistance some, but adding a pre amp will solve your probable current impedance mismatch. There are Chinese pre amp units available from C.B. Gitty, or elsewhere on the Internet, for cheap, that run off a 9v battery.
  • Is the piezo mounted to the lid already? If you tap on it, does it make any sound?

    Piezos are so sensitive you can practically breath on them and get sound out of them. Obviously, make sure your solder joints are good.

    When you glue the piezo to the lid, you need to make sure it makes good contact with the lid. Either hot glue or epoxy is best. I would not suggest super glue.

    • I think there is no problem with the piezo because it make sound when I tap on the cigar box.

      Do you always put 2 piezos in series ?

      My mistake can be in using only one piezo.

      Sound comes out of my CBG but the level seems to be very low

      Thank you evrybody to try to help me, that's really a good place here ;-)

    • That's the same diagram, but I don't know why, I need to put the volume of my amp very high to heard what I play.

      Perhaps I have to had one more piezo???

  • Welcome to Cigar Box nation, very nice first build.

    I use the diagram below and it works, never added a capacitor. I have started using 2 in series to increase the voltage


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