
  • Fantastic event. It was great to actually meet the faces behind the names. Joker, you were awesome on Friday night at First Cap. Iggy, your God of Fire CBG was a work of art and I'm glad somebody bought it. And Wes, I'm loving that amp I bought from you. My creative juices are primed and overflowing. If I still have the guts in a year, maybe I'll get on the open mic stage. See you guys next year.

    (BTW, I checked out the arts festival down the street... BOR-ing! But that's between you and me.)
  • I thought this was a great event. I will be getting to York earlier next year to see the art and not miss any of the acts. Maybe I'll have some music to contribute by then. All of the acts I saw were both impressive and unique in thier own style. There were some great personalities at the stands and audience, too!Hope to see some more videos of the event.
  • Yep, it was a great day. I just added a few pics to my page.
  • This was a very, very good festival. I have been to a number of CBG festivals and this one was the best I have been to. The other performers were great, the open mic stage was a brilliant idea with lots of outstanding "walk-in" acts, the vendor booths seemed to be doing a lot of business, the crowd was very interested in the whole thing, there were lots of folks from the Nation who travelled across several states to get here. It was so packed full of fun things to do, I couldn't get to all of it (I am especially kicking myself for not spending more time in the audience for the open mic stage).

    It was great that it was during the day (10AM-5PM) with a very tight schedule. For those who had to drive long distances to get there, this was a very big deal, and I think the daytime schedule helped to make it very kid friendly. This also helped to augment the audience with attendees of the arts festival a few blocks away, who didn't know a thing about CBGs when they walked up, but heard the music and were really interested by the time they talked to a few of us and listened to more music. It appeared to me that there was a big influx of people from the art festival at about 3PM (it could have been that pAt mAcdonald and melaniejane were just starting to crank it up then). If the CBG fest had been in the evening, all the arts festival folks would have gone home to supper, too tired to come back out for another festival.

    The food vendors were great with very tasty and reasonably priced sandwiches, soft drinks, water, coffee and water ices.

    Charlotte and I had a great time, and everyone I talked to seemed to be having a great time as well. Kudos to Shane and to Jim Lewin of the York Emporium (as well as all of the other organizers) for putting this together! Even the weather was great (sunny in the low 90s and low humidity)! I wish every festival was like this one!

    Best regards, Willie
  • My wife and I had an awesome time!!!The performances by those who played were all just fantastic could not be more impressed.Just a great bunch of folks enjoying the sun ,some good tunes and talkin cbgs.What could be better? Yea I could come up with a few but not many!Lookin forward to the next one!Congrats to ALL! Bob
  • So how was it? I am in army training in the usa till the end of Sep tember but still could not get away to make the festival. Who met who? How many bands played is there gonna be video? Who sold and who bought. I am chomping at the bit here for a little bit of my normal life. I am a Navy man trying to learn how to be Army in order to go overseas and work with the English so you got to know my head is spinning. A little news from the home state would sure help my spirits
  • cigar box buzz and the factory throuw outs will definitely back next year with more stuff and more builders....let the addiction begin
  • I agree. This is one of the best I've been to. 7 hills stomp will definitly be back next year.
  • Had a great time. This is what York needs.
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