Are we going to run into trouble with the new anti tobacco laws ( depending on the laws wording) by building and selling CBG's or DB's ? A lot of my DB's are bought by parents for their kids. My question is, the laws will effect even the advertising of such products, so how will that effect the simple old cigar box,though its a USED box? ANY thoughts?

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  • I do know that you may NOT reuse a cardboard box that was used for beer or cigarettes to mail things in. USPS gets all fussy.

    I was stopped by a TSA agent who wanted to take my Cuban Cigar box away (it was only when I got home that I saw "Made in the Dominican Republic" stamped on the bottom). I told this guy that while CIGARS from Cuba are contraband, this was an empty box and could not be considered a Cuban export. I let him know if he felt different, he could go find somebody from the Treasury Dept. to come and get me. What this box had to do with security, I'll never know...

    I can understand a parent not wanting a kid to have a box with cigar logos on it. That's a parent's job. But I think the gvt. has better things to do than try to be my Mom.
  • I think we can burn that bridge when we get to it , lol. As far as the ATF aka Alcohol/Tobacco/Firearms folk go, my bet is they will never care what happens to an empty cigar box. But if they do, all we need to do is follow that law. If so then a person or a company could make reproductions of cigar boxes with no tobacco lables or tax stamps on them.

  • Guys, I really don't think we have a potential issue unless a customer bitches and I seriously doubt they will spend $$ on a CBG only to litigate. I seriously don't think tobacco companies would risk the bad exposure over a silly think like this either.

    If a parent or other non-customer complains and litigates, they would have the burden of proof that you were promoting tobacco use amongst children. I think that's a little hard to prove.

    Build on. Play on.

    Hey, what do you call 300 [big tobacco] lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? A good start.

  • Either dont sale your product, stick the box end of your CBG in a brown bag and require proof of age to peak, have all customers sign a release form, or hire an expensive lawyer so he can take your money and tell you to obey some stupid law. Or dont worry about it then IF !!!!!! it becomes a problem deal with it.
  • YA Dave Since I sell in a commercial type set up, ( a retail shop in a heavily traveled tourist area ( Gatlinburg Tn) I wanted some opinions on this potential problem .I like the idea of maybe posting some sort of sign suggesting that in no way do we approve of minor smoking or tobacco use. Actually I really DONT like it but cant think of a better way to go either.
    Any other thoughts guy ( and Gals)?
  • I can see where this might be an issue for you where you run a commercial enterprise, for the casual seller, (God, I sound like we are dealing in drugs or something) I can't see it being a problem. Perhaps you can go the "green" route and state that you are not advertising tobbaco products but only recycling, which infact you are doing.
  • One more thought. We produce a musical instrument based on found items (mostly). We do not manufacture nor personally advertise any use of tobacco or tobacco related products. They are what they are and as you state used boxes.

    You know, we might want to have some statement somewhere that gives [the Nations] opinion on underage tobacco in relation to why we use the boxes. Just a thought.

  • You know what is VERY interesting in regards to Alcohol/Tobacco/Firearms. I also do some homebrew beer. Not much but a question I did have was "can an underage (minor) buy the ingredients for and brew beer?" Come to find out, yes. There is no law that [we know of yet] that states it is illegal for a minor to buy the ingredients and brew beer. Mind you I didn't say consume or further possess it.

    I don't even know if its illegal for a minor to possess any alcohol related paraphernalia (beer can, liquor bottle, brewing or distilling equipment) IF there is no alcohol present nor any current alcohol production going on.

    That said, and if I understand what you're talking about (current legislation to curb underage smoking by reducing or eliminating tobacco branding from underage-oriented material), it don't think that there will be any real effect on CBG production or ability to produce a CBg for a minor.

    Also think of it this way -- I used to live in Easter NC. We produced 6.7 shitloads of cured tobacco per year and most of it (at the time) was harvested by high school students in the late summer, most who smoked anyway. What about that? Is that production with intent to distribute by a minor?


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