Hi folks I've knocked together a little web site/blog where I'll be talking about and hopefully selling a few cigar box amps, effects and anything else that floats my boat. There are two amps available at the moment, but it's early days and to be honest if you have a minute to check it out, any feedback would be more appreciated. The site is at www.jooky.co.uk cheers all Erik

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  • Yeah, I'm not surprised...I feel like I missed the first Glastonbury or Woodstock..
  • Yes, that's me with the plank..great guitar..and superb pickups. The CBG Fest WILL happen again in 2010..I've not fixed the date and venue yet..so hopefully you might be able to make the next one. Several people have said that they regret missing the first one, but "due to popular demand" as they say, it's simply got to happen.
  • Hi John

    Cheers for that, and you are quite right, but I think over time it'll be easier to spot that the descriptions of things will be a little bit surreal...I'm taking a bit of an odd approach to 'product blurbs'.

    I do know who Bolivar is really, honest ;)

    Did you see yourself playing Juju's plank on there? I'm really sorry that I missed the Brum festival, more so now that I've seen that.

    cheers for the comment though mate, much appreciated


    ChickenboneJohn said:
    Just visited the site....tho' the "Despotic" guitar amp description is a bit baffling! Not sure if you've got your view of South American politics quite in line with the rest of the world....Despotic?...Simon Bolivar is generally regarded as the liberator of Latin America from the rule of imperialist Spain...a national hero of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, and Bolivia.
  • Just visited the site....tho' the "Despotic" guitar amp description is a bit baffling! Not sure if you've got your view of South American politics quite in line with the rest of the world....Despotic?...Simon Bolivar is generally regarded as the liberator of Latin America from the rule of imperialist Spain...a national hero of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, and Bolivia.
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