Hello Nation. I have launched a Kickstarter project for my debut solo CD.... https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545206109/dave-onastik-debut-cd-donate-and-receive-a-cigar-b?ref=email I am only looking for a small amount to offset production and distribution costs. In addition, the first 6 people who donate $100 or more will receive one of my handmade 4-string Cigar Box Guitars. Please see the Kickstarter page for details. I appreciate any help you can offer. Don't hesitate to ask any questions.

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  • nice lookin  guits  man  ;-)

    good  luck. 

    • Thanks.  My Kickstarter project closed and I did not reach my goal, so all the guitars are still available for sale.  If you or anybody else is interested, please contact me.

  • Hi dave have any CBG left and can we have a choice from a picture to pick from?
    • Hey James. I only have one contributor so far and would have to give him first pick if the campaign is successful. You would have second pick at this time. The options are the four in the pic, one I have in work right now, and one I haven't started yet.
      • Hey Dave,

        Have any left? Looks like maybe 1? If so, which one???

        Thanks, Chris
        • Hey Oceanstrat.  My kickstarter project closed without reaching my goal, so they are all available.  Let me know if you are interested in any particular one.

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