
  • I would respctfully disagree with my esteemed colleague. One is only limited by one's imagination and skills, no matter how many strings. A good example would be Mark Sandman of MORPHINE. I play a 3 string balalaika in a Russian and Eastern European folk orchestra. Trust me when I say that there are no limits! :)
    • True, but maybe with four strings everything is more comfortable, right?

  • Is it true that four strings are better for other different styles?

    • Yes. Just like 6-strings can go beyond what can be done on a 4-string, and just like you can play stuff on a 7- and 8-string guitar that you can't play on a 6. 3-strings do have their limitations, just like any other instrument.
  • I posted this earlier, but there is a problem with the link. :) Ambient soundscapes!

  • I enjoy playing Blues, folk, experimental, ambient....this is a short video of an ambient piece played on my three stringer with a Dan Sleep Thinbucker pickup through my effects board.
  • I mostly play original songs for the videos I post, but also a few covers, which tend to be more folk, pop, acoustic rock than blues, though I love blues.

  • Lots of good comments here.   CBGs can play all kinds of music and I wish more folks would rock them because that might bring us more young players and builders.   If you want to rock, one person to check out is Mike Snowden on youtube.     He has some good lessons too.

    I love blues and old timey, so that is why I play that kind of music. 

  • Here you go with a few different styles (and some very dodgy playing..but maybe you get the idea...

    West African High Life...


    Glam rock...


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