
  • Just another lurker, Hope to start building in the fall. Kinda hard now working on a boat in the Keys. Back to Pine Island in the fall. Boat is a good place to try to learn to play though.

    • Hey welcome aboard! If you watch videos by Speal, Puckett, CB GITTY and a host of others  as well as free downloadable plans it's a snap. The friendly people here will answer any questions that you have. I'm building 3 at the same time with an order for 2 more, how's that for getting your feet wet? There are all kinds of references at your desposal building, how to play as well as tabs for song  laid out for CBGs.

  • Hello fellow crackers.  I am a hack builder in Palm Bay East coast central FL. I have lived in FL 59 1/2 yeas of my 60 years.

    Not much of a social media poster, more of a observer.

    Ted Crocker a CBG innovator (who is often on the site) I believe lives in  the Stuart area.

    • Welcome to the hood Greg, thank you for coming out of the shadows.

  • Welcome Michael, Now there is three of us---YEE HAW. Hopefully more will chime in. We lived in Sherwood Forest in Palm Harbor for a couple years before my wife got a transfer to Jacksonville a while ago. Actually quite a while ago----time really flies by! We used to go to Ozona on Friday nites to watch Charley Groth play and have a good meal. AHH, good memories.

  • Another FL boy here. Only been building and playing for about 6 months though. I live in Palm Harbor. Just south of Tarpon Springs and north of Clearwater. Been in Fl for about 47 years. Wife is a native so there are some around.
    • I lived on county rd 1 and Tampa rd before moving to spring hill. I go to Palm "Harlem" at least once a month. As a matter of fact I'm at a friend's house in crystal beach behind dairy rich. Friend me and send me your #.

    • Thanks Picker. I did a search previously and cam up with a few people. 1 went trough the first 30 pages for people in my immediate area and it was almost creepy. They hadn't posted or "if" they did their last post was 2012. What happened in 2012, "The Great Purge"? Wow, it's friggen strange! I'm starting to worry if there's a serial CB stalker out there! LOL

      • Yeah , some folks just join and lurk , some join and go on to other things . etc etc.. As for  starting a group . members can no longer start one here   due to many repeats etc .. but you can put in a request to cb gitty  if you have a good idea for one that  does not already exist . 

        ps .. there IS a Florida group

        hope that helps .

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