
  • I found some nylon uke strings on the web that list diameters:

    Gauges .025", .032", .036", and .028".
  • Diane,
    my own experience with uke strings suggests that you can tune up or down a couple of notes beyond the designed for note. I regularly use aquila soprano strings for "C" tuning and tune them up to "D". Similarly, other people use concert gage strings (slightly thicker) and tune them to "C" tuning on a soprano to get a little more tension.
    While experimenting, I think your biggest issue will be stretching, as once a nylon string is tuned up to a certain tension and has stretched out, if you return it to a lower tension, it doesn't hold that tuning very well and is a bit more floppy than it would if you had only ever tuned it to the lower note.
    I think a starting place for gage tension would be to enter a known set at standard tuning (GCEA) and see what tensions come out. Good luck!
  • Cefa Paulus, I am an idiot.

    It will tell me the tension I need to get a particular note, but how can I know if the string will allow that tension load?
  • try this
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