Here is a vid of Jack White ripping on his Daddy Mojo CBG. It's just a matter of time before this whole CBG industry takes off!

I'm not sure why the vid link didn't post, You-tube Jack White Cigar Box Guitar and it should come up, Very very good exposure for the CBG cause!!

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  • "It Might Get Loud" is one of the best music documentaries I've seen. Another good one is "Out of Ireland". I'm sure there are more, but I'll it at those two. I liked the part whear Jack was going to "trick" Edge and Jimmy into showing him all their secrets.
  • Apparently someone backstage gave Jack that Daddy Mojo guitbox before he was to go on stage, and as you can see in the video he played the hell outta that thing, one of my favourite songs by The Dead Weather as well. That album is something every blues fan should check out, it's kinda edgy, but it is in my opinion some good modern blues.
  • how could you confuse robert plant and jimmy page man, really? lol

    Crow said:
    i knew i would get the name wrong. LOL
  • i knew i would get the name wrong. LOL
  • Dude it was Jimmy Page not Robert Plant and yah it was cool to see him build a diddly bow on the spot and kick it old school blues style.
  • well jack white has cigar box mentality anyhow, it's natural. you guys gotta watch "it may get loud" where he's interviewed along with "the edge" from U2, and robert plant.

    white was talking about his homemade and secondhand junk guitars that he loves so much, while the edge went on about his umpteen million effect pedals and highly expensive equipment, and how all he really does is play a little riff and let the electronics do all the work.

    it was great. jack white is a real musician, gritty and down to earth. the CBG crowd should not be surprized in the least that he plays them too.
  • very cool!
  • This is some good stuff. Hope this saves a few steps
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