my two son's want to buy me an amp that I was wanting for Xmas.

Roland micro cube ,having read the out put which is only 3 watts.

I have one of those cheap chinese battery powered amp which is 3 watts but not particularly loud.

now my main concern is with having not good hearing the Roland amp may not be loud enough for me to comfortably hear it.

what are your thoughts on this guys bare in mind I'm based in the UK so some of you USA amps may not be available here.

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  • .told my son to go ahead and buy it. I'm sure I'll be happy

    found this...

  • thanks guys. as for cost my 2 lads dont want to pay any more than 100 uk pounds.

    I only want the amp for my room so I can practice my own guitars that I make/made.

    just for fun for me as I've always want to play a guitar but my hands are a little on the stiff side to working for nearly 40 years in a fab shop heavy lifting ,welding,grinding.

    some time my fingers lock up(couple )due to injuries in the past.

    mainly my 2 middle fingers. so slide is perfect .

  • For low wattage amps, the speaker really determines how loud an amp is. There's probably a better speaker in the Micro Cube, so it should be louder than your cheap amp.

    If you really need more volume, get the Cube model that has a 10" or 12" speaker. Looks like the 40 is $100 more than the Micro model, stateside... That $100 worth is a huge upgrade - 10 inch speaker instead of 5, way more headroom in the amplifier power.

    If you have a regular guitar cab/ speaker, you could put an output jack on your cheapie amp and run the louder speaker with the 3 watts. You'll be surprised how much more volume the 3 watts produce. The little 15 watt battery amps I make run my regular guitar and bass cabs loudly.

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